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Throwback Thursday Review: The Convenient Marriage

The Convenient Marriage audiobook cover. A man in a blue regency jacket and white shirt stands beside a wondow, watched by a woman in a pink regency gown trimmed with white lace. The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐
Duration: 9 hrs 35 mins.
#BennetSistersScale: Kitty - 🌹🌹🌹 Though there are scrapes and shenanigans aplenty in this audiobook, it is one of Heyer's more middle-of-the-road romances and never quite excels.

Whilst there's a lot about this book that I do enjoy, it's one of my least favourite of the Heyer regency romances I have read so far. Despite the wild adventures and multiple mishaps, Rule remains a little too elusive and Horatia continues to be a little too annoying. Pelham and Pom are an amusing aside, but many of the other characters are not developed enough to really add very much. Compared with another of Heyer's "age gap" romances, The Corinthian, I'm afraid The Convenient Marriage never quite captures the same youthful naivety and madcap charm that gives the former its warmth and levity.

I had previously listened to the abridged audiobook, read by the wonderful Richard Armitage, but this time I was listening to the unabridged copy narrated by Caroline Hunt. It took me a little while to settle into the narration but once I did I found Hunt to be expressive and engaging, giving distinct and appropriate voices to the characters. I would still have preferred Armitage to have read the full version, but I'd listen to him reading the phonebook or the back of a cereal box, so that really isn't a fault with the other narrator!

(To buy this book, listen to a sample, or add it to your wishlist!)

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